How to use video marketing to increase sales?

Watch online video as a mainstream event, and companies that want to stay ahead should definitely consider using online video marketing as an important tool to increase sales. Some research data shows video as a strategic marketing tool, and the steady increase in the use of video content has attracted viewers and increased sales of online businesses.

There are some interesting numbers in these studies:

• If there is a video on Google’s first page, the company is 53 times more likely to appear.

• 74% of all Internet traffic in 2018 will be video.

Video brochures and prints are more than six times better than online e-commerce platforms.

• According to retail data, shoppers who watch videos are more likely than shoppers to purchase 174% more often than shoppers.

• Video in generic search results is estimated to be 41% higher than clickthrough rate for plain text results.

• Website visitors who watch product videos are likely to purchase up to 85%.

Effective video marketing strategies bring benefits to Internet businesses in a variety of ways, all of which contribute to performance growth.

How to use video marketing to increase revenue:

• Attract creativity in the film to attract customer attention. Entertainment and compelling video content will captivate viewers and are more likely to remember the company’s products and services and outperform competitors.

• Clearly explain and explain products and services. If customers know how to use the products they are advertising, they will be more likely to purchase them. Point out the new features and outstanding advantages are the information points that buyers want to know.

• Send company information in a concise manner. Long videos will lose the interest of potential online shoppers, so cutting within the first 10 seconds of the video is ideal.

• Optimize SEO video content. Develop a strategy that explains which keywords will make your videos rank high in search engines. Ranking can be achieved faster than traditional websites because online websites contain fewer videos.

• Develop a distribution strategy. Distributing a complete video through one channel will be a huge damage to the business. Sharing through different locations while ensuring that the target audience matches the company’s brand is key to a successful release.

Understanding the importance of video marketing and the effective use of online businesses will undoubtedly increase sales far beyond their competitors.