What Benefits Can You Expect From Using Video Brochures?

“Help your customers see your company and products in a new way with the astounding potential
of video mailers, video postcards, and other video brochures. You will not be disappointed!”

Video brochures, video brochures, video mailers, and video displays give you the powerful impact of video messaging combined with the flexibility and target potential of printed media. When you choose video brochures, you will enjoy all of the following benefits:

Preferred Media
Video brochures use LCD screens embedded within a printed brochure to give customers added exposure to information. People may not read through all the bulleted points in even the most colorful and attractive brochure by itself, but a video display grabs the customer’s attention and keeps it throughout the presentation. The additional printed content on the video brochure allows customers to easily access the most important information at a glance.

Interactive Design
With up to eight available buttons, you can create an interactive experience that keeps your viewer focused on your content. Choose from channel buttons, play/pause buttons, volume buttons, and additional options to fine-tune your video message.

Immediate Access Anywhere
With video mailers and brochures, you never need to worry about Wi-Fi or connection speeds to guarantee a good presentation. Your video brochure will allow you to consistently share good quality information at any time, in any location. Your presentation is stored locally on the brochure and can be updated with the USB cable, so internet connection is not necessary. Standard brochures come with 128 MB of memory, which will play 7 minutes of video content, but you can upgrade to as much as 2 GB of memory for up to two hours of viewing time.

Lasting Impact
Print brochures are very common marketing pieces, but adding a video presentation to your brochure will get your customers talking, keeping your company at the forefront of their minds. In addition, your video brochure includes speakers to provide a multisensory presentation that will help viewers remember your message long after the conference or seminar. Videos will help your product stand out from the daily influx of marketing messages for a truly memorable audiovisual experience.

Once you create your video brochure, you have a lot of options to adjust your content. You can replace your video if you need to update information. Simply upload the new content using the included USB cable and port. You can also adjust the video to reach different audiences while keeping the primary information the same in the brochure.

Video brochures are made to be durable so that your brochure can be used several times before it needs to be replaced. They present a substantial marketing piece that presents a more professional appearance than flimsy paper brochures. The batteries that power the brochure are rechargeable, making it possible to use your brochure many times.